Friday, March 1, 2019

Activity Based Costing Advantages and Disadvantages Example

Hello, friends today I am discussing Activity Based Costing Advantages and Disadvantages, but before going on the advantages and disadvantages of activity-based costing first, look at the definition of activity-based costing which is as follow

Activity Based Costing Advantages and Disadvantages Example

Activity Based Costing Advantages and Disadvantages Example

Activity-based costing definition 1

 Activity Based Costing(ABC) is a bookkeeping strategy that recognizes and appoints expenses to overhead exercises and afterward doles out those expenses to items. An action based costing (ABC) framework perceives the connection between costs, overhead exercises, and fabricated items, and, through this relationship, it doles out backhanded expenses to items less subjectively than conventional techniques.

Activity-based costing definition 2

Activity Based Costing (ABC) doles out assembling overhead expenses to items in a more legitimate way than the customary methodology of just assigning expenses based on machine hours. Action based costing initially doles out expenses to the exercises that are the genuine reason for the overhead. It at that point allows the expense of those exercises just to the items that are really requesting the exercises.

Activity-based costing definition 3

Action based costing is an administrative bookkeeping strategy that follows overhead expenses to exercises and afterward doles out them to objects. At the end of the day, it's an approach to dispense circuitous, overhead expenses to items or offices that create these expenses in the generation procedure.

Activity-based costing Advantages and Disadvantages

Activity Based Costing Advantages and Disadvantages Example

  • ABC gives a progressively precise expense for every unit. Thus, evaluating, deals procedure, execution the executives, and basic leadership ought to be improved. 
  • It gives a much better understanding of what drives overhead expenses. 
  • ABC perceives that overhead expenses are not all identified with creation and deals volume. 
  • In numerous organizations, overhead expenses are a huge extent of all-out expenses, and the executives need to comprehend the drivers of overhead expenses so as to deal with the business legitimately. Overhead expenses can be constrained by overseeing cost drivers. 
  • It very well may be connected to infer reasonable expenses in an intricate business condition. 
  • ABC can be connected to every overhead cost, not simply creation overheads. 
  • ABC can be utilized simply in administration costing as in item costing.


  • ABC will be of restricted advantage if the overhead expenses are principally volume related or if the overhead is a little extent of the general expense. 
  • It is difficult to designate every single overhead expense to explicit exercises. 
  • The decision of the two exercises and cost drivers may be wrong. 
  • ABC can be progressively mind-boggling to disclose to the partners of the costing exercise. 
  • The advantages acquired from ABC probably won't legitimize the expenses. 
  • Different frameworks may be changed - for instance, how differences are determined.

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